Without Government. Without Big Data. Without Compromise.
CB Real Vaccination ID provides physical and digital verification that you’ve received the COVID-19 vaccine—enabling you to gain entry to school, work, events and public places. You control where, when, and how you show proof of COVID-19 Vaccination. We make sure you own and control your data and privacy.

A: The card is validated, physical proof of an individual’s COVID-19 vaccine status with digital backup to afford people greater freedom of movement and serve as a passport to businesses, schools, transportation, events and more. Each card includes sophisticated anti-counterfeit technology to prevent fraud and forgery.
A: The Real Vaccination ID card has three elements that, combined, provide proof of vaccination to anyone that views the card:
- Physical card – with anti-fraud, forgery prevention.
- SaaS – the card’s QR code can be scanned to show the individual’s verified medical documents.
- Managed Services – all medical vaccination documents are validated by our highly trained experts before the card is issued.
A: CastleBranch has over 20 years of experience as a company working to help individuals transition to and through professional life. We have:
- More than 20 years of experience as a nationally accredited consumer reporting agency.
- Collected, reviewed, and secured more than 35 million medical documents.
- Issued more than half a million badges
- Expertise in reviewing documents used to to gain entry to highly secure operating rooms, healthcare facilities and nearly every hospital in the country.
A: We believe in helping people transition to and through their professional life, and removing COVID-19 as a barrier to progress is significant. While the disease is novel, our experience helping individuals and organizations overcome this challenge is well established.
A: Yes, but these paper forms are highly susceptible to fraud, can be easily forged, and are prone to damage or destruction. Additionally, these documents are not intended to serve as a form of identification, but rather as a reminder to receive the second dose of the vaccine when required.
A: Each card includes a photo, name, address, date of birth, physical identifiers, and a QR code, and states that the individual has received all required doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.
A: The QR code takes the viewer to our secure portal, where they can electronically view the cardholder's validated primary-source vaccine documents supplied by a medical provider. For these documents to be accessed, the cardholder must supply the viewer with a unique access code PIN number.
A: At your discretion, simply present your Real Vaccination ID card to a third party seeking to verify your vaccination status. If the third-party wishes to see primary-source documents to confirm your status, you can grant them permission to scan the QR code on the back of the card, which will enable them to enter the unique access code and PIN number on our secure website. Whether or not you decide to grant this third party visibility remains completely up to you.
A: Our team of experts reviews and verifies the vaccine manufacturer, administration date and time between doses, and then verifies the individual’s identity in a manner consistent with state and federal privacy laws.
A: CastleBranch takes a "Nothing About Me Without Me" approach to protecting an individual's personal data. We believe it is every individual’s right to control and maintain their self-sovereign digital identity, and our responsibility to help empower people everywhere to take back their data from those who seek to misuse or abuse it. All Real Vaccination ID cardholders will have complete, absolute control over whom they share their information with.
A: No, CastleBranch is not part of the Vaccine Credential Initiative. Many big tech companies have a track record of collecting, selling and/or using an individual's private data in ways that we simply do not agree with. We believe that a person’s data is the property of the people — not the government, corporations or advertisers.
A: Yes, cards are available to anyone who has fully received the COVID-19 vaccine (meaning all doses when multiple doses are required). Both individuals and organizations such as schools, businesses, employers and healthcare facilities can receive the Real Vaccination ID.
A: $19.95
A: No! You can place your order now for a Real Vaccination ID card and upload your information at a later date. Once uploaded, we'll review and verify your information and send you your card.